
Catherine Bremner, as the daughter of internationally recognised portrait engraver, Alan Banks, always had a leaning towards the arts.  After studying sculpture at college, she found her first job in a small art gallery, surrounded beautiful artworks and inspired to create.  After a break of a few years, where she raised her family and gained valuable life experience, Catherine eventually returned to her love of creative expression, this time with painting.


Catherine uses a mixture of traditional oil painting methods alongside more modern techniques.  “I love to experiment with different surfaces and textures, including linen and wood and using gesso to create an interesting painting surface”


Catherine Bremner’s work is both beautiful and thought provoking.  Her portraiture captures the weight of emotion behind every face.  Catherine’s bronze and gold leaf adding another creative dimension to her work.


Based in Suffolk, England, in the beautiful landscape of the painters, Constable and Gainsborough, Catherine Bremner sells her work across the globe, with collectors in the US and Canada.